Monday, March 29, 2010

The Ressurection: Spirit and Body

This is a lesson my husband taught to our children. The object of this lesson is to help your children understand a bit more about the spirit, body, soul, and Resurrection.

  • Christ The Lord Hymn 200
  • He Is Risen! Hymn 199
  • Did Jesus Really Live Again? Children's Songbook page 64
  • He Died That We Might Live Again Children's Songbook page 65
  • Easter Hosanna Children's Songbook page 68
  • Jesus Has Risen Children's Songbook page 70
SCRIPTURE: Alma 40:23

"The soul shall be restored to the body, and the body to the soul; yea, and every limb and joint shall be restored to its body; yea, even a hair of the head shall not be lost; but all things shall be restored to their proper and perfect frame."

First, read the scripture. Then put on a glove. You might get better focus if everyone in the family has a glove on their hand and plays along. Wiggle your fingers in the glove and talk about how your hand is making the glove move.

Then, take your hand out of the glove. Talk about how the glove can no longer move.

Then put the glove back on and point out that the glove can once again move.

Now talk about the application for your body. Explain that your spirit (the hand) is in your body (the glove). When you die, your spirit leaves the body. Because of Jesus Christ, you will be resurrected and able to enter your body again. Jesus was able to enter his body again after he died.

Ask your child(ren) if she can move her hands. She should say yes. Ask her to show you. Then have her move different parts of her body. Explain she can move her body because her spirit is in there.

Follow up with explaining that this is part of the reason we celebrate Easter. We celebrate that Jesus was Resurrected. You might get a comment about candy and Easter at this point. Yes, candy is fun, but bring it back that we celebrate Easter because of the Resurrection.

Bear testimony and have a closing prayer.

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