Wednesday, March 3, 2010


My name is Rachel although you'll often see Stella trailing my name since that is my middle name. You actually say the "ch" in Rachel like "sh" (as in "racial"), but seeing as how we are talking via the internet I don't think that will be much of a problem :)

My husband James and I have been married for 6 years and have a 2 year old son named Joshua and another boy due in June. We met at BYU and were married in the Provo temple 6 months later. My husband finished up his computer science degree shortly before we were married and I got my nursing degree a couple years later. I worked full time as a RN until my son was born and then started working around 1 night a week after that. My husband is an entrepreneur and works from home. It took a while to get used to him being home all the time but now I love it (especially because I can go do errands during nap time)!

My mom was extremely creative (she even wrote a couple activity books for children) but was extremely stingy when it came to passing this gene onto me! Most of my creativity comes from googling :) Because of this, most of my FHE lessons are very simple and usually involve the nursery book and a bunch of picture cut outs. Luckily, since my son is only 2 and has a 1 minute attention span, this isn't much of a problem yet!

My hobbies including eating, sleeping, watching sitcoms and movies, gardening, cooking, reading and blogging (, etc.). Oh, and my favorite thing to do is spend time with my family. I'm lucky enough to have 7 of my siblings and 1 of my husband's siblings living nearby.

P.S. The picture above of my family is over a year old. I really need to get a more current one!

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