Friday, May 7, 2010

Mother's Day


Opening Song: “Mother Dear,” (Children’s Songbook, p. 206)

And they rehearsed unto me the words of their mothers, saying: We do not doubt our mothers knew it. (Alma 56:48)

Have your family take turns sharing favorite memories about their mother (or grandmother or other motherly figure). Have each person give a one-sentence description of his or her mother or grandmother and write/draw these on a piece of paper. If you have them, bring photos of the women in your family.

Questions to ask:
Why do we have mothers? Why are mothers so special? Did Jesus have a mother? How did he treat his mother? How can you (child) show your mother you love her? What was yesterday? (Mothers Day) How can we act like it is Mothers Day all year round?

Write/draw on same piece of paper (back side, or new piece of paper) something child/husband will do for mother this coming week.

Another activity you can do is to grab a small bean bag, ball or other throwing object and take turns throwing it to different people in the family. Whoever catches it has to tell something they love about Mother, or something nice she has done for them.

Treats: Heart shaped cookies -- or mommy's favorite treat :)

Happy Mother's Day!

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