This year I bought a little people nativity for my 2 year old to play with . We keep it by the christmas tree and he has been told that this is a special Christmas decoration just for him to play with. I have tried to make these toys seem extra special and fun so that he is sure to play with them!
Shortly after getting the toy I had an FHE lesson about Jesus and his birth. I used the nativity set I had just bought to act out what happened during Jesus' birth. For older children children you could read the scriptures that go along with this (e.g. Luke 2:1-20).
After the lesson I encouraged my son to play with his new toy. I pointed out the names of the toys and mentioned things about the nativity story we had just gone over while he played with his toys. I continue to do this when he plays with the toys in hopes that when he plays with them in the future (hopefully year after year) this story will come to his mind.